Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm here, surprisingly.

I'm freaking tired from rushing out my PI till 2am yesterday. It was seriously not something to be proud of. It just goes to show how lousy I've managed my time. The problem is that there's no time for me to manage. Haha. Because CO is like everyday.

To rush out the PI, I didn't even touch the econs tutorial and the only I can do is to smile widely at my tutor when she starts checking everyone's work. Haha. Then, I realise this situation needs improvement.

The idea of sleeping at 1am everyday sounds pretty fine to me, but the fact that I cannot complete everything before I sleep sounds uncomfortable to me.

Anyway, I'm fine, not depressed. I just wanna find somewhere to moan and moan and moan.

What are you to me exactly?


  1. HAHA! To rush out my PI, I skipped Chem AND Maths tutorial! Lucky for me I managed to finish most of it on the MRT, and the tutors didn't go too fast. :D Didn't really check either~

    Moaning and complaining is fun~. Just need to vent, even though we don't really mind, eh? XD

    GOGOGO, Yeeling! I'm going to start staying in school to do homework, wanna join me?


  2. Like how do I do that ruishan? I'm at the CO room. Haha. :D

  3. LOL. I'll be with you in mind and spirit! :D After SYF AND the concert lah~ HAHA.

