Monday, June 23, 2008

It was a pleasant surprise.
I shouldn't have probed further.
It could have been beautiful, as it is.

Miss Low passed me this silver envelope during assembly.
Wow, secret admirer. hah.
Turns out it was my mother.
I found it rather amusing and absurd.
Like since when would my mother do this?
The more I found it absurd, the more I felt loved and touched.

Okay and I probed further.
It was a collaboration between Miss Low and my mother.
If I didn't knew, it would be much better.
Anyway, it was cool.

I love my mummy.
I promise I would strive harder than any other one else in this world.
Probably in my world.

I found my motivation.
An immense pool of motivation.
That happens to be inclusive of you.

Seriously, you must study hard.

Oh yea, I found this really amusing.
My brother labels breast as terrain.
What the hell is he thinking.
Run his car over the terrain?

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