Thursday, July 23, 2009

It all seems weird when your ideas or thoughts start contradicting each other. It feels as if they don't carry any weight. It kind of undermines self-confidence, when you can't even figure out exactly what you wish to achieve. That's what I concluded.

I don't know what went wrong with me, but I actually like to let myself be depressed. Take note, I'm not depressed. :D I like the feeling of letting my emotions swing across the spectrum from depression to euphoria within that split moment. Actually, I can say that I purposely made myself feel depressed, to contrast and bring out the difference of being happy.

Honestly, I really do make myself depressed. I realised that there's only one reason I would make myself depressed over. Only that. Wallowing in the depths of depression aint at all bad. Like I would say, as long as I like it.

I like to experience lots of emotions, especially when I have a strong feeling for it. A very strong and powerful feeling.

Undoubtedly, I am very happy. I find it hard not to smile heartily for a day. Seriously, I find it hard to not smile or laugh, or even smirk. Haha.

I never told a single someone, everything about me before. Trust me, I have much to hide.

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