Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yesterday we had our concert! YAY! It was a long day, but actually I wished it could go on. Honestly, I hope I don't forget this day, since I don't have a fantasic memory. Because I can only remember images? Yea. The whole of yesterday was wonderful. :D

Towards the end of the TJCO concert, I felt a little overwhelmed. It was going to end. And everyone is going to disperse after that. I got a little moody then. But I got all hyped up after the concert haha! Thanks for your support! I love all of you! :D

Theresa was so happy to see us during the interval, and was to excited to see me in makeup, that she poked my eye. And the funny thing is, I couldn't feel anything, only saw a finger moving towards my eye. Haha. Ruishan was quite amazed by my look. Baoyi was all hyper, like always. Haha. Amanda popped up from nowhere.

And today, from the moment I wake up, I can't stop thinking about CO. I felt super moody the whole day. Anyway, I woke up damn late at 12pm to eat, watched tv till I slept halfway from 1pm to 3pm. Haha. The thing is I'm unhappy that there's no more CO to bug me now. I'm starting to miss CO and everyone. It feels like the world's coming to an end. Haha. I think I'm exaggerating. Seriously, I'm very moody now.

Humans tend towards the lazy and negative side more, that's why we always fail to see the purpose behind everything we do.

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