Many people are about to start school again once more. It's pretty exciting to some, but a chore to others. But it doesnt take its tone on me. Something else is, for at least, slowly.
I seemed to forget about the fact that I'm going to get my results until I went online to talk to my mother who's in Japan now. People started asking me how I felt, and then I started feeling that way again.
Something in your body seems to be blazing up; the heat is spreading fast to the other areas too. The fiery blaze seems to be radiating out from the core of the body; perhaps it's from the palpitating heart that's about to hop out. It's pretty contradicting; how it's so hot yet the freezing shivers can be sent down the spine. Additionally, the heat is able to make your head expand too; to the point where the head is really heavy and burdened. Perhaps due to the expansion of the head, the eyes start to lose its function too; it starts to see images of the unforeseen future.
I wonder what my reaction would be.
I bet I'll lose control of myself. Hah.
Let's take it easy for now.
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hi, CAN YOU PLEASE CHANGE THE SONG!. -.- thankyou. :)
I like the song. Why should I change it for you? :p