Thursday, June 26, 2008

I laughed the most today for the week.
Credit goes to winnie.

We were dissecting flowers today for bio.
It's so cool.
Like real.
I was more into drawing the diagrams than really admiring the flower.
Anyway, I couldn't strip the flower properly.
I stripped off half its petal and the other half was left stuck there.

For HCL, our teacher had to leave halfway for volleyball.
He told us not to leave until the bell rang.
Right after he stepped out, people started packing and went for lunch.
We went for lunch at tmart too.
It's really amusing to see 4 students trying to sneak our way out of school.
Because our teacher was right around the bus.
We can't afford to let him catch us pon lesson.
I thought we were like playing some hide from the baddies game.

Apparently, we were late for english EPP.
Everyone was running, but I couldn't because I sprained my butt.
I thought my butt would rupture into three.
Seriously, you need your butt to run.

It's rather stupid because I sprained my butt muscles.
Strained them too much from shuttle run yesterday.
On my way to the busstop today, I ran up the grass slope.
And guess what. I felt a tight tug on my butt.
Wahlah~I sprained my butt.

You need your butt to run.
I can't run now.

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