Sunday, November 30, 2008

I think my life is exciting. At least for now, before mugging sets in again. I can plan wherever I want to go now, at my own pace. It's rather nice to be alone. It gives me time to think about those stuff around me. Kinda like some self-reflection exercise.

Contemplate over the mistakes I made; Stand by the decisions I make; Smile over the happy stuff; Entertain myself with the weird things. Being alone really gives you all the time in the world to make yourself a better person.

Suddenly, I come to think that I'm pretty stubborn. I may be in the wrong, but I refuse to admit to the person that I am, though I already admitted it to myself.

I may look stupid to you, a little lost somehow. But actually I'm thinking deeper down than most people are. I'm thinking of something else that you will never ever think of. Seriously, it's something that you will never think of. I appear lost, because my thoughts just don't tally with yours.

Some can read parts of my mind, but actually it's just the more real parts of my life. You've yet to step into my world of thoughts. I find my deepest thoughts unbearable to others. People are rather intolerable to my deepest thoughts still. I carelessly spilled them out, and it never leads to anything good. Hence I decided to cut down or even nullify their exposure.

I'll just say the more presentable thoughts of my mind that were instantaneously created along with my deepest thoughts to suit the society. Though people become offended easily somehow with my deepest comments, I won't deny myself of these thoughts anyway. I find them perfectly fine, and even sometimes think that others should just believe in them totally as well. Too bad, society is unable to accept them, they just have to be kept to myself then.

That's why I'm always speechless. Some of my words come with masks attached. Even this piece of text carries a mask before it. Some words have been altered to suit the society, to make this piece of writing acceptable.

Seriously, very little people can accept my theories immediately. I find it a shame. No wonder I'm a freethinker.

Censorship of my deepest thoughts has reached its maximum. As I get more educated, the more I feel that I should express myself regardless of how people feel and react towards them.

Nevertheless, I still choose to express the words that society prefers, to what I really think. They are pretty intolerable and dictative to many. Hah.

Anyway, you might be thinking that my deepest thoughts are really really mean. They aren't. They are just intolerable. Want to hear one?

I think everyone should think the way I think, so that everyone can be a better person.

Actually this is something I created simultaneously along with the deepest thought.

You've yet to come into my world.

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